Winner of the Nobel Prize in Literature, Anatole France's The Crime of Sylvestre Bonnard is a charming and witty tale of an eccentric book collector who becomes embroiled in a mystery involving a stolen manuscript. Set in Paris during the late 19th century, this delightful...
El crimen de Sylvestre Bonnard. ANATOLE FRANCE Francia 1844 - 1924
Winner of the Nobel Prize in Literature, Anatole France's The Crime of Sylvestre Bonnard is a charming and witty tale of an eccentric book collector who becomes embroiled in a mystery involving a stolen manuscript. Set in Paris during the late 19th century, this delightful...
This work has been selected by scholars as being culturally important, and is part of the knowledge base of civilization as we know it. This work is in the "public domain in the United States of America, and possibly other nations. Within the United States, you may freely...
I had put on my slippers and my dressing-gown. I wiped away a tear with which the north wind blowing over the quay had obscured my vision. A bright fire was leaping in the chimney of my study. Ice-crystals, shaped like fern-leaves, were sprouting over the windowpanes and concealed...
Sylvestre Bonnard, membre de l'Institut, est un historien et un philologue, dot d'une rudition non d nu e d'ironie. Savoir n'est rien - dit-il un jour - imaginer est tout. Il m ne une vie aust re au milieu de ses livres. Mais il consacre galement tous ses efforts trouver...
Sylvestre Bonnard, membre de l'Institut, est un historien et un philologue, dot? d'une ?rudition non d?nu?e d'ironie. Savoir n'est rien ditil un jour imaginer est tout. Il m?ne une vie aust?re au milieu de ses livres. Mais il consacre ?galement tous ses efforts ? trouver un manuscrit...