Selena is nearly finished with law school and ready to embark on her long-awaited career when she unexpectedly discovers that she's pregnant. The surprise surfaces during an annual school trip when she is away from her husband, and she is both overwhelmed and uncertain how to respond.
While she is determined to carry the pregnancy to term, she faces many family challenges: both her mother and in-laws are from India, and they are filled with superstitious and arcane reactions to her pregnancy. Her husband, Samir, was initially angry that she went on the trip without telling him; he warms up to the news but remains emotionally distant from Selena. As she studies for the bar exam, she often feels like a single mother.
In Law Girl's Bump in the Road, Jasmine Daya paints a gritty but engaging portrait of a career woman dealing with an unplanned pregnancy. By turns realistic and poignant, gripping yet funny, it deals with the issues of marriage and motherhood in a lighthearted and entertaining way.