Should you have any interest in the law -- and who among us does not? -- this handy book is an absolute must. It is smaller, and therefore less comprehensive, than the Black's Law Dictionary, but for that reason it is easier to use and carry with you. There are, I found, few topics left uncovered -- most of them in U.S. Constitional Law -- but in all other areas the book is extremely valuable.
I am very happy with my law dictionary it was in great condition and very useful for my law class!
There is not much that can be said for dictionaries except how much they help you. Whether you are a lawyer or layman, this is a valuable reference to those confusing legal terms you may periodical see on contracts, in the news, on warranties and other places. Black has been around for a long time and is the most concise of all the dictionaries I have seen. Pick it up and you wont regret it.
This little book will save any student while studying for exams.
This is a good Law dictionary. Easier to find meaning and easier to use it.