"An intellectual heavyweight and a pure literary virtuoso, Milan Kundera takes some of Freud's most cherished complexes and irreverently whirls them about in acts of legerdemain that capture our darkest, deepest human passions. . . . The tales in Laughable Loves surprise...
Siete relatos en los que Kundera nos hace reflexionar sobre el hombre y la profundidad de los sentimientos.
Las narraciones m?s seriamente desvergonzadas y m?s reflexivamente divertidas de Milan Kundera. M?s de 500.000 ejemplares vendidos. Del autor de La insoportable levedad del ser. El doctor Havel, la enfermera Alzbeta, Eduard, Alice, Klara...
Milan Kundera is a master of graceful illusion and illuminating surprise. In one of these stories a young man and his girlfriend pretend that she is a stranger he picked up on the road--only to become strangers to each other in reality as their game proceeds. In another a teacher...
Milan Kundera is a master of graceful illusion and illuminating surprise. In one of these stories a young man and his girlfriend pretend that she is a stranger he picked up on the road--only to become strangers to each other in reality as their game proceeds. In another a teacher...