The first practical explanation of how creativity works, this results-oriented bestseller trains listeners to move beyond a vertical mode of thought to tap the potential of lateral thinking.
I'm puzzled by the negative reviews on this book. The author is very lucid. Some critics, which you can find on wikipedia, note that he hasn't attempted to "prove" his position. That's not the author's point. By definition, he isn't indulging in linear or logical thought. If he were to concede to his critics, he wouldn't write the book. The critics have missed the point. His examples supply, not proof, but circumstantial...
In my view, this is the best of the de Bono series of more than 30 books. It is as advertised: A step-by-step introduction to the art and science of creative thinking. It shows the reader with a staple of de Bono's -- his graphs and diagrams - how to get over the threshold from just ordinary (right brain thinking) or "linear thinking" to (left brain thinking) or "lateral thinking," that is to pure creativity; and most important,...
"With lateral thinking one goes on generating as many approaches as one can even after one has found a promising one." [Lateral Thinking] Human mind is during the school education instructed how to think vertically. Meaning, how to evaluate alternatives, how to pick the right one and how to proceed from premises to conclusions. However, it is only seldomly instructed how to create alternatives, how to generate ideas - and...
It's a book written on serious things in a very light style. Sometimes we are very near to hear a tellerstory and soon after we are close of a professional dealing with mind and differents ways to learn. Its very interesting and usefull for professors, teachers and persons that love work thinking.