Set on the eve of World War II in a Yorkshire mining town. After falling on hard times, the Carraclough family is forced to sell Lassie, their beloved dog, to the Duke of Rudling. When she succeeds in escaping her cage, Lassie finds herself transported five hundred miles away...
Set on the eve of World War II in a Yorkshire mining town. After falling on hard times, the Carraclough family is forced to sell Lassie, their beloved dog, to the Duke of Rudling. When she succeeds in escaping her cage, Lassie finds herself transported five hundred miles away...
Set on the eve of World War II in a Yorkshire mining town. After falling on hard times, the Carraclough family is forced to sell Lassie, their beloved dog, to the Duke of Rudling. When she succeeds in escaping her cage, Lassie finds herself transported five hundred miles away...
Set on the eve of World War II in a Yorkshire mining town. After falling on hard times, the Carraclough family is forced to sell Lassie, their beloved dog, to the Duke of Rudling. When she succeeds in escaping her cage, Lassie finds herself transported five hundred miles away...