Suzanne Toya introduce you 200 easy puzzle which will keep their minds sharp and in continuing to strengthen their cognitive abilities as they get older
And according to the University of Exeter and King's College, London found that those who complete these sudoku puzzles every day have brain function which is equivalent to someone ten years younger on tests involving grammar and short-term memory
Another study carried out by a US university, Rush University Medical Center in Chicago, found that completing regular puzzles could delay the onset of degenerative diseases such as dementia
Here's what you'll discover in this book:
A total of 200 captivating easy sudoku puzzlesThis book is large print which makes reading accessible for the visually impairedInstructions for seniors and solutions providedEvery puzzle is sure to have only one solutionThis Sudoku puzzle difficulty has been catered to the capabilities of the senior to avoid agitating or frustrating themTake a second to imagine how you'll feel once you've accomplished finishing these puzzles, and how you will react when you've created a sense of order and happiness
So even if you've tried with every other Sudoku books before, this book is fun, easy to follow and helps seniors reconnect with different parts of their brain that they might not always get to utilize in everyday life.
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