Lady Willoughby V2: Or The Double Marriage is a novel written by Marie Price La Touche and first published in 1855. It is the second volume of the Lady Willoughby series, which follows the lives and romantic entanglements of the titular Lady Willoughby and her friends and family.In...
Lady Willoughby V2: Or The Double Marriage is a novel written by Marie Price La Touche and published in 1855. It is a sequel to the first volume of Lady Willoughby, which was published in 1851. The novel is set in the early 19th century and follows the lives of the Willoughby...
Lady Willoughby V2: Or The Double Marriage is a novel written by Marie Price La Touche and published in 1855. The book is a sequel to the author's earlier work, Lady Willoughby, and continues the story of the titular character, Lady Willoughby, and her family. The novel is set...