In the enchanting woods by the Maine seashore, where ferns unfurl and sea roses bloom, lives Lady, a thoughtful frog who has a deep connection to her home. Lady of the Ferns follows Lady and her companions, Drake the dragonfly and Willow the water bug, as they navigate the challenges posed by an environmental threat to their beloved pond. Amid the rich tapestry of fiddleheads and the murmur of ocean waves, there is something mysterious happening that begins to disrupt the harmony of their home. With the theme of Earth-Love guiding their journey, Lady, Drake, and Willow must unite their unique abilities and insights to uncover the mystery and devise a plan to restore the natural balance. Together, Lady, Drake, and Willow prove that no step is too small and no creature too minor to make a difference in the balance of our beautiful earth. This story celebrates how even the smallest action can contribute to the greatest good.