Journey to a time before King Arthur in this prequel to The Mists of Avalon --a spellbinding story of three remarkable women who alter the fortunes of Roman Britain as they fight to reclaim the magic and traditions of a once glorious past. Caillean, the young priestess fated...
Before the legend of Arthur and Camelot, there was Avalon, a beautiful island of golden vales and silver mists. In this prequel to "The Mists of Avalon," three powerful priestesses shape the destiny of Roman Britain, as they fight to regain the magic and traditions of a glorious...
New York Times bestselling author Marion Zimmer Bradley brings the mesmerizing world of myth, romance and history to life in the spellbinding novel of epic grandeur Before the legend of King Arthur and Camelot, there was Avalon, a beautiful island of golden vales and silver mists...
This, the eagerly awaited link between THE FOREST HOUSE and THE MISTS OF AVALON, spans the creation of Avalon itself, right up to the birth of King Arthur.
Journey to a time before King Arthur in this prequel to The Mists of Avalon --a spellbinding story of three remarkable women who alter the fortunes of Roman Britain as they fight to reclaim the magic and traditions of a once glorious past. Caillean, the young priestess fated...