I believe all Christians need to read this book. We need to stop putting our trust in man. The bible still has the answers once we follow its teachings. Neither Psychologists nor Psychiatrists can positively help Christian solve their problems. Trust God's Word, the Bible. This books helps us to understand that. Pastors, Christian leaders, and Christian Psychologists need to get a copy of this book and read it thoroughly...
This book has tactfully exposed the deception Christians are experiencing by the untruths or half-truths of godless psychology. I had no idea how pervasive the so-called "science" of psychology is in some "Christian" counsel. I understand now why so many believers suffer and fall away from the church after referal to an integrationist counselor. I thank the author for explaining how psychology and Biblical truth are never...
This is an eye-opener. Dr. Ed Bulkley has written a book that should be read and taught in every ministry training school, or church. As a devoted student of God's word, I have always approached secular psychology with an air caution. Now, I have greater reason and sound documentation to remain cautious. This has not only confirmed my suspicions of the failures of human psychology, but it has strengthened my faith in the all-sufficiency...
Reading this book was like taking a huge breath of fresh, crisp, country air. The author points the reader towards the all sufficiency of Scripture in all of the problems the christian will ever encounter. The Bible really does have all the answers we need and this book refreshingly backs this up.
I had a similar experience to one of the examples made up in the book of having a minister refer me to psychiatric help before talking to me first. I had already had psychiatric treatment that wasn't what I needed. I now have a minister who understands the situation better and I am fine, someone who was helping family and talking to people who did not understand the situation. It makes a big difference when people do. ...