Kobita Samagra" is the lifetime compilation of poet Ranjit Sharma's introspection, passion and association with common man and nature. Poet has unveiled the core exotic beauty of nature. Simultaneously he has expertized in simple rhyme with a stream of consciousness. Poet has painted the word picture touching with the rustic culture of Bengal. His keen touches explored human values, plight and love, amity and bonding. Poet has tried to focus the reality through his "Boidik Baul"
"Manusher Kichhu Soi Na" "Ami" and eternal death, separation through his poetry "Train Aschhe Drutogami".Obviously, the poet plays with the words taken from the soil of his motherland. Initially, the first leaf opens with the dedication to Almighty " Hate Khadi" and it's the journey is ended with an eternal parting that is absolute. Poet loves mankind and every feat of nature that has been reflected in the book.
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