An ALA Notable Title "Absurdly entertaining. Victorious on all fronts." --ALA Booklist (starred review) Renowned for their courage, their chivalry, and their ability to fight mythical creatures, the Knights of the Round...
An ALA Notable Title "Absurdly entertaining. Victorious on all fronts." --ALA Booklist (starred review) Renowned for their courage, their chivalry, and their ability to fight mythical creatures, the Knights of the Round...
An ALA Notable Title "Absurdly entertaining. Victorious on all fronts."--Booklist (starred review) Renowned for their courage, their chivalry, and their ability to fight mythical creatures, the Knights of the Round Table must face their most dangerous opponents...
An ALA Notable Title "Absurdly entertaining. Victorious on all fronts."--Booklist (starred review) Renowned for their courage, their chivalry, and their ability to fight mythical creatures, the Knights of the Round Table must face their most dangerous opponents...