What could possibly go wrong when winning tickets to the Antiques Road Show?
What should you do when police arrive at the beach where you and a hundred other people are swimming nude?
How concerned should you be if the Giza camel on which you are riding on is overly virile, highly temperamental and highly aggressive?
Can Winston and his co-workers in Mobile, Alabama survive a violent attack from a flock of killer chickens?
In this collection of short stories, Winston Weston faces these and many more questions on his many unpredictable journeys at home and abroad, which provide him with much accidental life experience and questionably treasurable moments. With a knack for finding trouble, Winston never faces a dull moment as he attempts to get out of sticky situations, accompanied by a host of varied and wacky characters who tend to add to the mayhem. From college, exploring ports of call in the Navy and beyond, these entertaining tales follow Winston as event after event turns entirely different than he'd expected.