Tavastia, 975 AD. Rotko is a Tavastian hunter, a fur trader, and the son of a blacksmith. After his successful marriage and setting up a lucrative fur trade with the powerful Swedes, he aspires to become king of his homeland. Disaster strikes when a brutal murder shatters his ambitions and the headman of a rival clan vows vengeance for the death of his son.
Two years later, Rotko sets sail with his wife's brother, Olof, King of Birka, and his bad-tempered son Styrbjorn 'the Strong' to the east. While still concerned about the volatile situation in Tavastia, Rotko has been asked to act as a trusted interpreter for the Swedes on their mysterious mission. Rotko agrees but suspects they are hiding something from him. As Rotko tries to uncover the true purpose of the Birka men's voyage, he reflects on his initial encounter with Olof a decade earlier when he first journeyed to Birka to trade furs.
A scent of smoke hangs in the air.
The sea united and separated people during the Viking Age-just like love and war.
A martial adventure intertwines with characters familiar from medieval sagas and chronicles, weaving a masterful tapestry of prosperity, betrayals, and sacrifices.
'Kings Without Lands' (360 pages) is the first part of 'The Tavastian Trilogy'. The story meanders through the rivers and landscapes of the North and East.
Author J. S. Halla is a Finnish wordsmith, crafting tales that evoke the spirit of the Viking Age.