This volume contains detailed abstracts of court orders, 1754-1756 (original pages: 308-627), which covered matters coming before the court such as probate, appointment of guardians and administrators of estates; appointments of county officers such as surveyors, constables, persons to take tithables, persons to inventory and appraise an estate; petitions to build a mill, build a road; adjudgements of the ages of slaves; cases of thievery, assault, and bastardy; chancery cases. Matters of probate include the date the will was presented and statements by the widow or others that an individual had died without a will. There are also civil cases dealing with debt and punishment of runaway indentured servants. These court orders often replace missing probate and land records and should be a vital part of your research.
The original page number is given at the end of each entry. Punctuation has been added in numerous instances for clarity. An index to full-names and places adds to the value of this work.
(2007), 2022, 51/2x81/2, paper, index, 210 pp.
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