Kidnapping In The South Seas is a historical narrative written by George Palmer. The book is based on the author's personal experience during a three-month cruise on H.M. Ship Rosario in 1871. The story revolves around the kidnapping of a group of islanders by a group of white...
Kidnapping In The South Seas: Being A Narrative Of A Three Months������� Cruise Of H.M. Ship Rosario (1871) is a book written by George Palmer. The book is a detailed account of a three-month cruise of H.M. Ship Rosario in the...
""Kidnapping In The South Seas"" is a historical account of a three-month cruise of H.M. Ship Rosario in 1871. The book is written by George Palmer and narrates the events of the ship's journey, which includes the kidnapping of several islanders in the South Seas. The book provides...