Twice as many people today are not having children than 30 years ago. In an unprecedented survey, Kaye Walters has polled over 4,000 non-parents from 59 countries to find out why--in their words--they chose not to parent, and the issues they face for not doing so. Kidfree & Lovin' It speaks to all types of non-parents--single or coupled, male or female--whether they are "childfree by choice," "kidfree by circumstance," "childless" or "on the fence."
Here's a sampling of what's inside:
- Hundreds of insightful quotes about kids, parenting and non-parenting from both the "childfree" and "childed."
- A look at the reasons why people have kids, and a thorough examination of why others don't.
- The Kidfree Bingo Card containing common cliche comments ("bingos") used to pressure you into procreating.
- A list of creative comebacks to use when you get blindsided by one of the "bingos" mentioned above.
- An exclusive list of over 260 notable non-parents from past to present--peppered with their quotes on the subject.
- Dozens of resources for non-parents worldwide, including groups, websites, books and a pithy glossary of terms.
Kidfree & Lovin' It is the most complete guide to living as a non-parent published to date.
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