The rules of the keto diet are simple - you must restrict the number of carbohydrates you consume and instead focus on consuming foods high in healthy fat. In the process of doing so, however, you will be lowering your insulin and blood sugar levels in order to shift your body's metabolism to use ketones and fats instead of carbs. Due to this, it is highly recommended that seniors take a slightly different approach to make sure the diet is as efficient and healthy as possible.
Our bodies' functions and processes are different when you compare someone who is in their 20 or 30s versus an individual who is over 50 years. The main reason is that the level of metabolism tends to diminish over time, and you will need a diet that can cope up with the changes in your body. That is why this Keto Diet Cookbook for Women after 50 is your answer to all your age approriate concerns of the Keto diet.
This Keto Diet Cookbook for Women after 50 will explore:
The Fundamentals of Keto Diet and It's Benefits for Seniors Simple Step by Step Guide to Start the Ketogenic Diet When You Are Over 50What Changes Must be Made to a Keto Diet for SeniorsPro Tips & 30 Day Meal Plan How Keto Diet Helps You Fight Viruses and Strengthens Your Immune SystemFoods You Must Avoid on a Keto DietKeto Sweeteners you Need to Know AboutHidden Dangers for Senior Citizens in Commonly 'Approved' FoodsTop 3 Strange but Highly Effective Ways of Healthy Weight Loss for SeniorsTop 10 Proven Tips to Losing Weight & Sticking to the Diet with EaseIntroduction to a 30-Day Meal PlanHow the Ketogenic Diet Can Help with Ageing & MenopauseKey Tips on Increasing Your Energy & Cognition
And Much, Much More
Just imagine how you would feel when you shed of all the extra pounds. Grab your copy today