Then keep reading, you have come to the right place.
As soon as people approach the ketogenic diet, they think they must sacrifice those soft and fragrant bakery products in order to lose weight, control hunger, and be more energetic. And that is blocking a lot of them from going on this diet.
But it does not have to be like that
You can eat appetizing muffins and loaves of bread without breaking your ketosis state while meeting both your nutritional and palate needs. In this book, I will guide you step by step in making your own homemade keto bread.
You will find:
Tips & tricks and a precious secret to making mouth-watering bakery products with keto and gluten-free ingredients, even without having any baking skills, that will allow you to avoid the most common mistakes people make
Which tools you will need to start baking your keto bread
Which are the best low-carb and gluten-free flours and sweeteners to use
And which sweeteners you absolutely have to avoid in order to keep your carbohydrate level low
Delicious recipes for Breadsticks, Buns, Bagels, Pizza, Toast, Muffins, Cookies... both sweet and savory, perfect for every meal of your day
Nutritional information in each recipe, so you do not have to stress out over macronutrients and calorie counting
Easy-to-follow cooking time, portions, ingredients, and indications, even for a beginner
After reading this book, you will be able to:
Surprise family and friends with astonishing and tasty keto recipes
Discover the pleasure of making homemade products, while saving money
Easily replace carbs in your diet and convert 'normal' recipes into keto recipes
And much, much more
Even if you think preparing your own baked goods takes a long time and you are always in a hurry, with this book you will be surprised to find that you can make delicious recipes in a few minutes.
Even if you have tried to make keto bakery products in the past and they were neither tasty, nor inviting, or you have never cooked before, this book will give you the pleasure of cooking.
If you do not want to give up bread in your keto diet, scroll to the top of this page and click on "Buy Now with 1-Click" to find out how