In this complete guide, you'll learn how to follow a ketogenic diet even if you are a beginner after 50 years old and how to cook most affordable, quick & easy 5-ingredient recipes on the ketogenic diet. Each recipe includes...
5-ingredients or less: cut expensive and hard to find ingredients from your diet.Affordable ingredients: save money cooking budget friendly recipes.Easy to find ingredients: cook with ingredients easily found at your local grocery store.Nutritional information: keep track of your keto macro budget. Servings: cook the right amount of food for your diet. Cooking times: save time in the kitchen. 21-day meal plan: lose up to 7 lbs every week. Highly rated recipes: enjoy only the highest quality keto recipes.In this Essential Guide You'll also discover:Do you want to shed that stubborn belly fat but don't know where to start? A ketogenic diet can be confusing for beginners, especially if you're a beginner who loves splurging on junk food. Quit worrying In this book, you'll learn how to not only start, but love, your hassle-free ketogenic diet, which will guide you to your weight loss goals in the most affordable, quick & easy way possible. Along the way, you'll learn to cook only the most high quality 5-ingredient ketogenic recipes, offering tons of scientifically proven health benefits, such as improving your appetite, cholesterol, blood pressure and reversing diabetes. Rest assured, you, the keto diet beginner, will get the healthy body you have always dreamt of