""Keineth"" by Jane D. Abbott is a heartwarming novel that tells the story of a young girl named Keineth Randolph. Keineth is a bright and kind-hearted girl who has been raised by her wealthy grandparents. When her grandfather passes away, Keineth's life is turned upside down...
A delightful story for girls, in which out-of-door sports and activities are interwove with a delightful plot and a lovable heroine's exciting adventures...We are happy to announce this classic book. Many of the books in our collection have not been published for decades and...
Keineth gat ekki muna? eftir m??ur sinni, h?n haf?i l?tist egar Keineth var riggja ?ra; og svo langt aftur sem h?n man eftir Tante haf?i alltaf s?? um hana. essir r?r, gullh r?a vi?kv ma barni?, belg?ska mildakonan alvarlega andlit, sem haf?i gefist upp ? einum sk?la ?...
Keineth mundi ekki eftir eigin m??ur, h?n haf?i d?i? egar Keineth var riggja ?ra; og fr? v? h?n man eftir s?r haf?i Tante alltaf hugsa? um hana. essir r?r, gullh r?a vi?kv ma barni?, hin alvarlega frams?na belg?ska kona, sem haf?i gefi? upp st??u ? einum af sk?lum New York...
For the past three days there had been no lessons. Keineth had lessons instead of going to school. She had them sometimes with Madame Henri, or "Tante" as she called her, and sometimes with her father. If the sun was very inviting in the morning, lessons would wait until afternoon;...
Keineth is a children's novel written by Jane D. Abbott. The story follows the life of Keineth Randolph, a young girl who is sent to live with her grandfather in a small town in the United States. Keineth is a city girl, and she finds it difficult to adjust to her new surroundings...
This book has been considered important throughout the human history, and so that this work is never forgotten we have made efforts in its preservation by republishing this book in a modern format for present and future generations. This whole book has been reformatted, retyped...
Never in her life had Keineth been on a horse's back, but she had caught the challenge in Billy's laughing eyes and her soul flamed with daring. She clenched her teeth tightly and, because she was in mortal terror of slipping off from the pony, she gripped her knees with all...
Keineth Randolph's world seemed suddenly to be turning upside down For the past three days there had been no lessons. Keineth had lessons instead of going to school. She had them sometimes with Madame Henri, or "Tante" as she called her, and sometimes with her father. If the...
Keineth by Jane Abbott is a captivating work of fiction that follows the coming-of-age journey of its titular character in a rural American setting. Set against the backdrop of a close-knit community, the novel explores themes of family, friendship, and adventure as Keineth navigates...
Keineth by Jane Abbott is a captivating work of fiction that follows the coming-of-age journey of its titular character in a rural American setting. Set against the backdrop of a close-knit community, the novel explores themes of family, friendship, and adventure as Keineth navigates...
""Keineth"" is a novel written by Jane D. Abbott. The story revolves around a young girl named Keineth Randolph, who is sent to live with her grandmother in a small town after her parents' divorce. Keineth is a bright and adventurous girl who quickly makes friends with the local...
This work has been selected by scholars as being culturally important, and is part of the knowledge base of civilization as we know it. This work was reproduced from the original artifact, and remains as true to the original work as possible. Therefore, you will see the original...