What happened to Keiko the Orca, Star of the Movie Free Willy? Learn the story behind the story.
Readers experience important moments in Keiko's journey, his life and near death in Mexico City, his rehabilitation at the Oregon Coast Aquarium, his further recovery in Iceland, and his surprising decision to swim to Norway.
A celebration with gorgeous photos and lively details of Keiko and the heroes who went above and beyond to return the Free Willy star safely to his home waters and freedom.
Keiko's rescue and rehabilitation continue to encourage us to be good caretakers of the oceans and the creatures that call it home.
What people are saying:
"Many fans want to know the entire story. That's what Author, Linda Moore Kurth has delivered with her updated and beautiful edition."A captivating read for kids, their families, and fans of all ages Keiko was and will always be an inspiration. He was the reason so many of us fell in love with Orcas and cetaceans and paved the way to end captivity. This book is a beautiful tribute to his strength, life, and all of the people that worked so hard to give him freedom and experience the ocean again. A wonderful read Thank you for allowing us to have these wonderful memories and photos of our Lucky One; KeikoIncludes a glossary and resources for further information about wild orcas.
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