Instead of memorizing vocabulary words, work your way through an actual well-written novel. Even novices can follow along as each individual English paragraph is paired with the corresponding Russian paragraph. It won't be an easy project, but you'll learn a lot.
This scarce antiquarian book is a facsimile reprint of the original. Due to its age, it may contain imperfections such as marks, notations, marginalia and flawed pages. Because we believe this work is culturally important, we have made it available as part of our commitment for...
Kashtanka is a short story written by the renowned Russian author Anton Chekhov. The story revolves around a little dog named Kashtanka who gets separated from her owner and ends up on the streets. She is taken in by a group of performers who train her to become part of their...
""Kashtanka"" is a short story written by Anton Chekhov, originally published in 1887. The story follows the adventures of a young dog named Kashtanka who is separated from her owner and ends up in a traveling circus. While in the circus, Kashtanka befriends a group of animals...
""Kashtanka"" is a short story by Anton Chekhov, a Russian writer known for his realistic portrayals of everyday life. The story follows a little dog named Kashtanka who is separated from her owner and taken in by a group of circus performers. Kashtanka is treated well by her...
Kashtanka is a short story written by Anton Chekhov, a famous Russian author. The story revolves around a little dog named Kashtanka who gets lost and then finds her way back home. Kashtanka is a mixed breed dog who lives with her owner, a circus clown. One day, while out on...
Der Arzt vom Beruf und der Schriftsteller von der Berufung - A. P. Tschechow - gilt als einer der bedeutendsten Autoren der russischen Literatur. Mit seiner realistischen und objektiven Art spiegelt der meistens ehrenamtlich arbeitende Dorfarzt, das Leben und die Werte der Menschen...
Der Arzt vom Beruf und der Schriftsteller von der Berufung - A. P. Tschechow - gilt als einer der bedeutendsten Autoren der russischen Literatur. Mit seiner realistischen und objektiven Art spiegelt der meistens ehrenamtlich arbeitende Dorfarzt, das Leben und die Werte der Menschen...
Kashtanka. Ant n Ch jov. Rusia 1860 - 1904
Instead of memorizing vocabulary words, work your way through an actual well-written novel. Even novices can follow along as each individual English paragraph is paired with the corresponding Russian paragraph. It won't be an easy project, but you'll learn a lot