What is karma? Karma is the law of action and reaction. Who is doing or thinking bad things (it doesn't matter if it's this life or a life before), is collecting bad karma. Bad things come back - but also good things come back. It sounds very spiritually, but it's true. That's why you shouldn't think about people who are mean, because everyhing comes back to the people.
That notebook is a wonderful christmas gift, birthday present, anniversary gift, easter surprise, wedding gift or just a lovely thank you to the person you love. It is a sweet present for friends and family, for young and old.
It contains 120 Dot Grid Pages and has the size of 6x9 inches for all kinds of notes, information, ideas, plans and other texts.
Examples of use:
diarynotebookagendaweekly plannerappointment plannersketchbookcreative logbookfood diary / meal plannerfitness diary / sports planner motivation diary6 minute diary / 5 minute diaryachievement diarybirthday calenderhomework diary