Kangaroo is a semi-autobiographical novel by D. H. Lawrence. It follows a British writer on his visit to New South Wales. In it there are vivid descriptions of the Australian countryside and a powerful glimpse into a wartime Cornwall. Lawrence delves deeply into his thoughts...
After the Great War, Richard Lovat Somers, a writer, and Harriet, his wife, leave disillusioned Europe for Australia. There Somers falls into the company of charismatic fascist 'Kangaroo'. The young writer struggles with his past and his personal ideology as he finds himself...
Writer Richard Somers and his wife Harriet leave exhausted post-war Europe in the hope of rebuilding their marriage in a new and freer world. In Australia, in an idyllic cottage by the sea, they believe they have finally realised their dream - until they meet and become involved...
Australian journalist Robert Darroch - in several articles in the late 1970s, and a 1981 book entitled D.H. Lawrence in Australia - claimed that Lawrence based Kangaroo on real people and events he witnessed in Australia. The extent to which this is true remains a matter of controversy...
A BUNCH of workmen were lying on the grass of the park beside Macquarie Street, in the dinnerhour. It was winter, the end of May, but the sun was warm, and they lay there in shirt-sleeves, talking. Some were eating food from paper packages. They were a mixed lot-taxi-drivers,...
A bunch of workmen were lying on the grass of the park beside Macquarie Street, in the dinner hour. It was winter, the end of May, but the sun was warm, and they lay there in shirt-sleeves, talking. Some were eating food from paper packages. They were a mixed lot-taxi-drivers,...
Kangaroo is an account of a visit to New South Wales by an English writer named Richard Lovat Somers and his German wife Harriet in the early 1920s. This appears to be semi-autobiographical, based on a three-month visit to Australia by Lawrence and his wife Frieda, in 1922.
Kangaroo is a 1923 novel by D. H. Lawrence. It is set in Australia.Kangaroo is an account of a visit to New South Wales by an English writer named Richard Lovat Somers and his German wife Harriet in the early 1920s. This appears to be semi-autobiographical, based on a three-month...
Kangaroo is a 1923 novel by D. H. Lawrence. It is set in Australia. Kangaroo is an account of a visit to New South Wales by an English writer named Richard Lovat Somers and his German wife Harriet in the early 1920s. This appears to be semi-autobiographical, based on a three-month...
Kangaroo is a 1923 novel by D. H. Lawrence. It is set in Australia.Kangaroo is an account of a visit to New South Wales by an English writer named Richard Lovat Somers and his German wife Harriet in the early 1920s. This appears to be semi-autobiographical, based on a three-month...
This book is a result of an effort made by us towards making a contribution to the preservation and repair of original classic literature. In an attempt to preserve, improve and recreate the original content, we have worked towards: 1. Type-setting & Reformatting: The complete...
Rootless, restless, nomadic, longing to escape the decay of post-war Europe, Richard and Harriet Somers flee to Australia, hoping to begin a new and freer life. Richard, a disillusioned writer, is drawn into an extreme political group headed by the enigmatic Kangaroo. In his...
A bunch of workmen were lying on the grass of the park beside Macquarie Street, in the dinner hour. It was winter, the end of May, but the sun was warm, and they lay there in shirt-sleeves, talking. Some were eating food from paper packages. They were a mixed lot-taxi-drivers,...
A BUNCH of workmen were lying on the grass of the park beside Macquarie Street, in the dinnerhour. It was winter, the end of May, but the sun was warm, and they lay there in shirt-sleeves, talking. Some were eating food from paper packages. They were a mixed lot-taxi-drivers,...