To understand a generation, we must walk their path--feel the fierce uncertainty and incredible love of yesterday. "KALEIDOSCOPE OF BLUE" describes a time when this nation's young seemed to be lying their souls naked before the Almighty--bonding, searching--separately, and yet somehow together--the "Flower Child" and the "Soldier"--the "Activist" and the "Hippie". America was down on her knees, begging, pleading for inner peace, and on her hands was the stain of drugs and blood--in her heart, the pain. It was a lot for one generation to bear, but in some strange way it bonded them together.
Amy's past unravels upon the pages as she clings to life. Young love is often bittersweet and can leave scars that last a lifetime. However, life's lessons are never where you expect them. She was raised in the heartland where one can still hear the sound of rustling cornfields on an autumn night and the lone whistle of a train as it rolls along the rails. Her journey continues when she finds herself in Chicago in the 60's. Here she found an unfamiliar world, where medical professionals from many countries had come to learn and to heal, however, they were surrounded with unrest.
Smoke filled the air as they hurried down the darkened street towards the campus fraternity houses. They would live their lives today for tomorrow seemed too uncertain. Bryan was an ambitious student of law who was determined to change the world. She was the small town girl that won his heart. But there were secrets that haunted her--secrets that she alone would face in the dark of night. And although life at times distracted her, it was love that kept her focused--she alone would walk her path.
This one's for you, Bill--