GET MOTIVATED in Your Daily Walk...Physically and Spiritually
Just Walking connects the simple experience of the physical exercise of walking with the Lord. Walking daily for physical fitness often becomes a time for meditation, shared in a simple but heartfelt manner that men and women, young and old, will find refreshing and encouraging.
The subject matter is as varied as the creation-spider webs, no trespassing signs, letters in the author's mailbox, deer in the waterway, and the changing seasons along a country road. All become a basis for daily devotions and prayer.
The spiritual avenues are as varied as the subject matter-failing to pray, relating to those we meet in our daily walk, grieving for family members, and leading those who are following us.
Brief directives and motivational thoughts for those who walk for exercise are intermingled among the daily devotions.
Sample chapters
* Fog * How Did I Fall? * I Quit
* On the Treadmill * Trash in the Ditch * A New Route
* NO Trespassing * A Rainy Day * Letters in My Mailbox
* On the Bridge and Back * The Second Mile * I'll Be Right Back
* Walking with Willie