Before that joyful morning was a "last night" of final conquest of the oppressors of God's people.
But for the miracle of deliverance of that fateful morning, the night before would have passed away just as any other of the past several nights in servitude for the children of Israel.
And so, a new and joyful song replaced many days and nights of sighing, crying and groaning for the people of God.
The God who turned Israel's captivity is yet the same, doing same for His people in any form of captivity till now
I present to you in this book the way God turned His promised deliverance to reality unto the seed of Abraham.
You are going to be encouraged to trust the unlimited God to overturn Satan's limited power that might be holding you down, though you are a child of God.
You are going to be encouraged not to weary in "sighing, crying and groaning" unto God over that trouble in your life, until that Pharaoh in your life is drowned by the mighty wave of God's hand
You are going to be taught on how to handle the joy of deliverance, and to know what next to do in order to preserve your deliverance.
I tell you, this book will assure you that there is light at the end of the dark tunnel of life for every righteous man...... even you, no matter what your wilderness experience looks like
This book conveys to you God's determinate purpose in your troubles, and His covenant promise to end them all to your advantage; and He is faithful that promised.
And you know what? It may be Just a Night to Go for that promise to be fulfilled in your life
This book, no doubt, is a conveyor of living hope unto you
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