100 supersized nine-letter word-finding puzzles: supersized in that they have more words to find than other series of Chihuahua word puzzles. (If you want bigger puzzles on the page check out the Chihuahua Large Print Puzzles series.)
See how many words of at least four letters you can make from an array of nine letters. The letter in the middle must be used in every word, and at least one word can be made that uses all the letters. To prolong the fun (or torment?) each puzzle in Jumbo Chihuahua has at least 61, and up to 120, commonly known words, plus lots of rarer words. In Jumbo Chihuahua puzzles you cannot use most plurals ending in S, following the same rules as the puzzles on the Chihuahua Word Puzzles website. Specifically, you cannot use plurals and verb forms made by adding S to the end of a base word, such as apples, finds. However plurals and verbs ending in S may be used if the base word has been changed when the S was added: babies is acceptable; so is echoes. You can also play a word that has no singular (like ides) or that is neither a noun nor a verb (like hers).Each puzzle has space for your answers, but you may need extra paper! All solutions are given at the back of the book, including the rarest words you could wish for.
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