The authoritative edition of Julius Caesar from The Folger Shakespeare Library, the trusted and widely used Shakespeare series for students and general readers. Shakespeare may have written Julius Caesar as the first of his plays to be performed at...
Based on Plutarch's account of the lives of Brutus, Julius Caesar, and Mark Antony, Julius Caesar was the first of Shakespeare's Roman history plays. Presented for the first time in 1599, the play reveals the great dramatist's consummate ability to explore and express the most...
This edition of Julius Cesear is especially designed for students, with accessible on-page notes and explanatory illustrations, clear background information, and rigorous but accessible scholarly credentials. This edition includes illustrations, preliminary notes, reading lists...
Shakespeare's cautionary tale about the dangers of upending democracy, Julius Caesar, which recently ran at the Public Theater's Shakespeare in the Park. Winner of the 2016 AIGA + Design Observer 50 Books 50 Covers competition
This edition of Julius...
Julius Caesar, by William Shakespeare, is part of the Barnes & Noble Shakespeare series. This unique series features newly edited texts prepared by leading scholars from America and Great Britain, in collaboration with one of the world's foremost Shakespeare...
The Tragedy of Julius Caesar (First Folio title: The Tragedie of Ivlivs Ceasar) is a history play and tragedy by William Shakespeare first performed in 1599. It is one of several plays written by Shakespeare based on true events from Roman history, such as Coriolanus and Antony...
An improved, larger-format edition of the Cambridge School Shakespeare plays, extensively rewritten, expanded and produced in an attractive new design. An active approach to classroom Shakespeare enables students to inhabit Shakespeare's imaginative world in accessible and creative...
The authoritative edition of Julius Caesar from The Folger Shakespeare Library, the trusted and widely used Shakespeare series for students and general readers. Shakespeare may have written Julius Caesar as the first of his plays to be performed at...
When an essay is due and dreaded exams loom, this book offers students what they need to succeed. It provides chapter-by-chapter analysis, explanations of key themes, motifs and symbols, a review quiz, and essay topics. It is suitable for late-night studying and paper writing...
'Cry havoc and let slip the dogs of war,
That this foul deed shall smell above the earth
With carrion men, groaning for burial'
A charismatic politician's assassination leads to a civil war in Shakespeare's drama of ancient Rome. Written in 1599 about an event from more than 2,000 years ago, this historical play continues to captivate modern audiences with its memorable characters, poetic speeches, and...
Step into the gripping world of Shakespeare's Julius Caesar with this captivating edition. Witness the rise and fall of one of history's most iconic figures through political intrigue, betrayal, and the timeless themes of power and ambition. A must-have for fans of Shakespearean...
One of Shakespeare's most compelling historical tragedies, Julius Caesar explores the chilling events of political ambition and betrayal leading up to and following the assassination of the infamous Roman emperor. Set against the backdrop of Ancient...
The print edition of this series is comfortable to read because there is space between the lines and the font size is always 10 pt or higher. Please have a look into amazons's "look inside" the book and convince yourself. William Shakespeare's play "The Tragedy of Julius Caesar"...