""Julia Ingrand V1: A Tale Of Catholicism In Peru"" is a novel written by Martin Palma in 1877. The story revolves around the titular character, Julia Ingrand, who is a devout Catholic living in Peru during the 19th century. The book explores themes of faith, love, and social...
""Julia Ingrand V1: A Tale Of Catholicism In Peru"" is a historical novel written by Martin Palma and published in 1877. The story is set in Peru during the 19th century and follows the life of Julia Ingrand, a young Catholic woman who is struggling to reconcile her faith with...
""Julia Ingrand V1: A Tale of Catholicism in Peru (1877)"" is a novel written by Martin Palma that explores the themes of religion, love, and social class in 19th century Peru. The story follows the titular character, Julia Ingrand, a young woman from a wealthy family who is...