My collection of writings, presentations, stories, and thoughts gathered over the past 40+ years parenting my two children, working with parents, supporting parents, and counselling parents. Many of these articles were written more than 20 years ago. I did not revise or update them. In some parts you get a chance to see how things have moved forward, but in other parts it is obvious how not much has changed over the years. For example, the Q and A with parents- about 20 years ago I volunteered on a website that offered help to parents. They submitted questions related to issues they were facing as parents, and I offered some thoughts and guidance. Notice how many of those questions can be asked by parents today. It saddens me that we have not made the necessary progress in our societies and education system. What is even sadder is that in so many situations we are still struggling to make good decisions and find rational solutions to provide a caring, nurturing, and emotionally supportive environment for our young people. Hopefully these writings will move parents into action to make the changes that are needed in our world today