When their father's estranged brother left a house and 80 acres to him in his will, the four Calvert sisters - Darcy, Grace, Ruby, and Kendra - weren't sure that it was wise to make such a drastic move, so soon after their own mother's death. Their father believed the move was God's will, never knowing that it would facilitate romance...not only for three of his daughters, but for himself as well.
But now, oldest daughter Darcy has unfinished business from her past that threatens her new love for the valley's veterinarian. Grace and Jack are engaged, but unsure they want to wait, while Jack's father, a widower, decides to take a chance on love again with the valley's most outspoken "old maid." The Millers have taken up residence on the Calvert's property, but when Amanda Miller and her deaf grandson are in an accident, will her ex-daughter-in-law spoil her son's growing affection for Ruby Calvert? And what will it take for Bob Baldwin to give up his abusive, addictive ways before he hurts someone? Join the Calvert family and their new friends as they experience comfort, answered prayers, and find .....Joy in Yona Valley.