In Journey to Ixtlan, Carlos Castaneda introduces readers to this new approach for the first time and explores, as he comes to experience it himself, his own final voyage into the teachings of don Juan, sharing with us what it is like to truly "stop the world" and perceive...
Este libro recoge, por un lado, la recapitulaci n de lo que el aprendiz Castaneda vivi al lado de su maestro Don Juan en su primera etapa de aprendizaje (1961 1965) y, por otro, la reanudaci n de su aprendizaje, a partir de abril de 1968, dos a os y medio despu s de haberlo...
The dazzling, fantastic work that concludes the teachings of the Yaqui sorcerer, Don Juan. Castaneda is an anthropologist, a mystic, a poet and a marvelously gifted author whose books have sold phenomenally well. "One can't exaggerate the significance of what Carlos Castaneda...
The dazzling, fantastic work that concludes the teachings of the Yaqui sorcerer, Don Juan. Castaneda is an anthropologist, a mystic, a poet and a marvelously gifted author whose books have sold phenomenally well. "One can't exaggerate the significance of what Carlos Castaneda...
The dazzling, fantastic work that concludes the teachings of the Yaqui sorcerer, Don Juan. Castaneda is an anthropologist, a mystic, a poet and a marvelously gifted author whose books have sold phenomenally well. "One can't exaggerate the significance of what Carlos Castaneda...