"Jonah's Gourd Vine," Zora Neale Hurston's first novel, originally published in 1934, tells the story of John Buddy Pearson, "a living exultation" of a young man who loves too many women for his own good. Lucy, his long-suffering wife, is his true love, but there's also Mehaley and Big 'Oman, as well as the scheming Hattie, who conjures hoodoo spells to ensure his attentions. Even after becoming the popular pastor of Zion Hope, where his sermons and...
This week we celebrate the birthday of writer and anthropologist Zora Neale Hurston. Largely unappreciated in her lifetime, the trailblazing author's writings saw a resurgence after Alice Walker's 1975 essay called her "the patron saint of black women writers." Here we review five of her essential titles.