An original hardcover graphic novel that tells the story of one very dark night in Gotham City--from the creative team behind the graphic novel Lex Luthor: Man of Steel. The Joker has been mysteriously released from Arkham Asylum, and he's none to happy about...
"The Joker has been mysteriously released from Arkham Asylum, and he's not happy about what's been happening in his city while he's been away. What follows is a harrowing night of revenge, murder, and manic crime as only The Joker can deliver. He will take everything that is...
The Joker has been mysteriously released from Arkham Asylum, and he's none too happy about what's happened to his Gotham City rackets while he's been "away." Brian Azzarello and Lee Bermejo bring you arguably the most terrifying Joker tale ever written The scourge...