""John of London: A Romance of the Days of Roger Bacon"" is a historical novel written by Somerville Gibney and first published in 1887. The story is set in the 13th century and follows the life of John, a young man from London who dreams of becoming a scholar. John's life takes...
""John of London: A Romance of the Days of Roger Bacon"" is a historical novel written by Gibney Somerville and published in 1887. The story is set in the 13th century and follows the life of John, a young man living in London who dreams of becoming a great scholar like his hero,...
""John of London: A Romance of the Days of Roger Bacon"" is a historical fiction novel written by Somerville Gibney and published in 1887. The story is set in England during the 13th century and follows the life of John, a young man from London who dreams of becoming a scholar...