"Filled with visual puns, the cartoon illustrations depict felines of many socioeconomic backgrounds." --School Library Journal
"A fun story filled with puns, jokes, and colorful drawings." --Midwest Book Review
"Fat Cat Kitty cheats Joe Van der Katt and his other employees when Joe asks for a pay raise...Joe and the proletarian cats go on strike, and...but no, no, no ...it wouldn't be kosher of me to give away how the plot thickens." --John Goodspeed, Star-Democrat (Easton, Maryland)
Filled with clever wordplay, gags, Dutch words, and dozens of hidden pictures that will keep readers coming back for repeated readings, this is the story of the legendary labor leader Joe Van der Katt. You may not have heard of Joe because he is best known for improving the plight of blue-collar working cats all over the world.
Joe Van der Katt and the other cats from the poor section of Litterbox work for pennies a day in the Cat's Cradle Company for J. Paul Kitty, one of the Fat Cats who lives on the nice side of town. After not getting paid what they're due, the cats grow tired of Mr. Kitty's wrongdoings and go on strike, giving new meaning to a "picket line" in this hilarious fable about Labor Day.