Joe The Hotel Boy is a classic novel written by Horatio Alger Jr. The story follows the life of Joe, a young boy who works in a hotel to support himself and his mother. Joe is a hardworking and honest boy who is determined to make a better life for himself and his family. He...
This work has been selected by scholars as being culturally important, and is part of the knowledge base of civilization as we know it. This work was reproduced from the original artifact, and remains as true to the original work as possible. Therefore, you will see the original...
"Joe the Hotel Boy" from Horatio Alger Jr.. Prolific 19th-century American author (1832-1899).
Joe The Hotel Boy is a novel written by Horatio Alger Jr. The story revolves around the life of a young boy named Joe who works as a hotel boy in a small town. Joe is an orphan who has been living on the streets and struggling to survive. However, he is determined to make something...
The lake was one located in the central part of the State of Pennsylvania. It was perhaps a mile wide and more than that long, and surrounded by mountains and long ranges of hills. At the lower end of the lake was a small settlement of scant importance and at the upper end, where...
The lake was one located in the central part of the State of Pennsylvania. It was perhaps a mile wide and more than that long, and surrounded by mountains and long ranges of hills. At the lower end of the lake was a small settlement of scant importance and at the upper end, where...
Book Excerpt: ...Joe."But you'll get wet.""Never mind; run, I tell you "Thus admonished, Ned ran for the old hunting lodge, which was situated about two hundred feet away. Joe remained behind long enough to secure the rowboat and the oars and then he followed his friend.Just...
Joe - a young man who treasures kindness- makes some good friends to whom he is not only loyal, but for whom he would sacrifice himself. He stood up for his own rights and the rights of others, but in particular he stood up for the less fortunate. He also saw the value of education:...
Joe The Hotel or Winning Out by Pluck
""Joe The Hotel Boy"" is a novel written by Horatio Alger Jr. that follows the story of a young boy named Joe who works as a hotel bellboy. Joe is an orphan who has been living on the streets until he is taken in by the kind-hearted hotel owner, Mr. Barnum. Joe is grateful for...
"What do you think of this storm, Joe?" "I think it is going to be a heavy one, Ned. I wish we were back home," replied Joe Bodley, as he looked at the heavy clouds which overhung Lake Tandy. "Do you think we'll catch much rain before we get back?" And Ned, who was the son of...
Joe the Hotel Boy by Horatio Alger The lake was one located in the central part of the State of Pennsylvania. It was perhaps a mile wide and more than that long, and surrounded by mountains and long ranges of hills. At the lower end of the lake was a small settlement of scant...
Horatio Alger Jr. January 13, 1832 - July 18, 1899) was an American writer, best known for his many young adult novels about impoverished boys and their rise from humble backgrounds to lives of middle-class security and comfort through hard work, determination, courage, and honesty...
This work has been selected by scholars as being culturally important, and is part of the knowledge base of civilization as we know it. This work is in the "public domain in the United States of America, and possibly other nations. Within the United States, you may freely...