Jock the Hero Dog is a family animated adventure that tells the heart-warming, coming-of-age story of a young man and his best friend, a lovable and fearless dog named, Jock. Narrated by Donald Sutherland, the story takes place in the beautiful outback of South Africa. Through a series of life-lessons and bonging experiences, Jock, the runt of the litter, grows to become a beloved and trusted companion, a bold adventurer, and a living embodiment of the power of courage, self-belief and redemption.
Release Date:October 2014
Rating:PG (Parental Guidance Suggested)
Publisher:Our Alchemy LLC
Director:Macneillie, Duncan
Starring:Bryan Adams (voice), William Baldwin (voice), Anthony Bishop (voice), Louisa Cerdan (voice), Philina Cerdan (voice), Donald Sutherland (voice), Ted Danson (voice), Rose Emanuel (voice), Ava Flutie (voice), Catherine Flutie (voice)
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