Need a hand getting more job interviews and more job offers?
You're not alone. Employers are hiring and the competition is fierce. Really fierce. So, take a look at The Job Hunting Handbook. It can help you out-smart the heavy competition, land interviews, impress hiring managers, sell yourself, and win job offers.
Simple, friendly, proven. You can read the entire Job Hunting Handbook in an hour or two and get started on your job search that very same day.
Look what's included--
Just fill in the blanks to create a resume and cover letter showing that you are the solution to the hiring manager's needs How to get your resume into the hands of the person who can hire you A simple job-search plan to get your phone ringing What to say when a hiring manager calls you How to dress, act, and impress a hiring manager during your interview 50 tough interview questions--with real answers How to ask three references to sing your praises--and so much moreA national best seller. 8,000,000 sold.
Used by thousands of One-Stop Career Centers, high schools, vocational schools, trade schools, colleges, vocational rehabilitation programs, veterans' services, and corporate outplacement programs--helping millions of people find work.
The Job Hunting Handbook also includes a table showing the wages, job openings, and training requirements for America's 175 most popular occupations.
Order your copy today. Only $6.99.