The New York Times bestselling final volume in the Pope's Jesus of Nazareth series, detailing how the stories of Jesus' infancy and childhood are as relevant today as they were two thousand years ago. In 2007, Joseph Ratzinger published his first book as Pope Benedict XVI in...
The New York Times bestselling final volume in the Pope's Jesus of Nazareth series, detailing how the stories of Jesus' infancy and childhood are as relevant today as they were two thousand years ago. In 2007, Joseph Ratzinger published his first book as Pope Benedict XVI in...
New York Times Bestseller El tercer transcendental y ltimo volumen en la popular saga internacional "Jes s de Nazaret", escrito por El Papa, detallando como la historia de la infancia y ni ez de Jes s es hoy por hoy aun tan relevante como fue hace dos mil a os...