In this book, an attempt has been made to study the savior of mankind Jesus of Nazareth from a Vedic point of view. There is power in his name which still works wonders. His sacrifice at the cross of calvary is the greatest victory over satanic power that means all the evil forces of the world. Satan thought by his crucifixion the power of Jesus will cease but he resurrected on Easter thereby crushing all the evil power of Satan under his feet. This book is a must-read for those who are interested in comparative religion.
Jayadev Kar, MA, M.Phil, MSW, LL.B, is an Indian English poet, writer, statesman, critic, and social worker in the same vein. . He has already two books to his credit out of which "Symbolism in American Literature" was published by Scholars' Press, Germany. His other book "Songs of Jayadev an anthology of English poems was published and circulated worldwide by Authors' Press, New Delhi. He is currently teaching English literature at D.A.V.(Auto) College, Titilagarh, Dist.-Balangir, India. Apart from that, he is an approved counselor of Odisha State Open University, Sambalpur, and IGNOU, New Delhi. Jayadev Kar is a member of ELTAI too. He is also a Human Rights educator certified by Youth for Human Rights International, Los Angeles, USA. For his strategy to check distress migration, he has been felicitated by IPE Global and International Justice Mission in days gone by.