Jenny Wade of Gettysburg is a historical novel written by Mary Henderson Eastman in 1864. The book is a fictionalized account of the life of Jennie Wade, a young woman who lived in Gettysburg, Pennsylvania during the American Civil War. The story follows Jennie as she navigates...
Jenny Wade of Gettysburg is a historical fiction novel written by Mary Henderson Eastman and published in 1864. The book tells the story of a young woman named Mary Virginia ""Jenny"" Wade, who lived in Gettysburg, Pennsylvania during the American Civil War. The novel is based...
Jenny Wade of Gettysburg is a historical novel written by Mary Henderson Eastman, first published in 1864. The book is based on the true story of a young woman named Mary Virginia Wade, who was killed during the Battle of Gettysburg in 1863. The novel tells the story of Jenny,...