But this book aims to change the status quo in servlet and JSP learning, by using an approach that does make learning by doing possible. The book actually guides the reader into writing a small Java web server, that can not only serve HTML and media pages, but implements powerful subsets of servlet and JSP technologies. And all this can be done in less that 1,000 lines of code (that's right, under one thousand LOC) with the guidance and technical approach of this book. The servlet and JSP subsets implement all the core technology and most of the powerful features.
This gives the reader actual insight into how and why servlet and JSP features are designed that way, and what is the "magic" going on under the hood. The reader will no longer need to rote memorize the features of servlet and JSP, and will actually understand them.
The book is accompanied by a downloadable file. This downloadable file includes support code, so readers can stay focused on the server technologies without getting side-tracked far into string manipulation etc.