Set during the Gulf War, the episodic tale follows Anthony "Swoff" Swofford, a third-generation enlistee, from his sobering stint in boot camp to active duty, where he's sporting a sniper's rifle and a hundred-pound ruck sack on his back, while moving through Middle East deserts...
Set during the Gulf War, the episodic tale follows Anthony "Swoff" Swofford, a third-generation enlistee, from his sobering stint in boot camp to active duty, where he's sporting a sniper's rifle and a hundred-pound ruck sack on his back, while moving through Middle East deserts...
Set during the Gulf War, the episodic tale follows Anthony "Swoff" Swofford, a third-generation enlistee, from his sobering stint in boot camp to active duty, where he's sporting a sniper's rifle and a hundred-pound ruck sack on his back, while moving through Middle East deserts...