A course for 'busy' students who want to learn natural spoken Japanese. This series is prepared by a working group of experienced Japanese language instructors who reviewed and tested the material in a classroom environment. Japanese for Busy People' is, as the title suggests,...
The bestselling series Japanese for Busy People has guided hundreds of thousands of students to a fluent, natural, and precise use of the Japanese language. Volume I teaches the absolute minimum amount of Japanese to live in Japan and handle everyday situations. In the...
Japanese for Busy People is, as the title suggests, a concise course for busy students who want to learn natural, spoken Japanese as effectively as possible in a limited amount of time. This new Kana Version has been adapted and redesigned to reflect current thinking on Japanese-as-a-second-language...
A course for 'busy' students who want to learn natural spoken Japanese. This series is prepared by a working group of experienced Japanese language instructors who reviewed and tested the material in a classroom environment. Japanese for Busy People' is, as the title suggests,...