""Janet of the Dunes"" is a novel written by Harriet Theresa Comstock and published in 1907. The story is set in the sand dunes of Cape Cod and follows the life of Janet, a young girl who lives with her grandfather in a simple cottage. Janet is a wild and free-spirited girl who...
Janet Of The Dunes is a novel written by Harriet Theresa Comstock and published in 1907. The story is set in the dunes of Cape Cod and revolves around the life of a young girl named Janet. Janet is an orphan who has been raised by her grandfather, Captain Billy. She is a free-spirited...
"Janet of the Dunes" from Harriet Theresa Comstock. American novelist and author of children's books (1860-1925).
Janet of the Dunes is a popular book by Harriet T. Comstock, an American novelist and author of children s books. She would occasionally depart from that genre and showcase her writing talent in adult prose as well. Janet of the Dunes is one such departure wherein she masterfully...