An orphaned young girl, Jane Eyre (Anna Paquin, True Blood), suffers humiliation and abuse at the hands of her aunt (Fiona Shaw, Killing Eve) and is subsequently banished to a strict boarding school for several years. Upon her release, the adult Jane (Charlotte Gainsbourg, I'm...
An orphaned young girl, Jane Eyre (Anna Paquin, True Blood), suffers humiliation and abuse at the hands of her aunt (Fiona Shaw, Killing Eve) and is subsequently banished to a strict boarding school for several years. Upon her release, the adult Jane (Charlotte Gainsbourg, I'm...
An orphaned young girl, Jane Eyre (Anna Paquin, True Blood), suffers humiliation and abuse at the hands of her aunt (Fiona Shaw, Killing Eve) and is subsequently banished to a strict boarding school for several years. Upon her release, the adult Jane (Charlotte Gainsbourg, I'm...